Studies about water
Nature often surprises us with its characteristics and phenomena. Many of them are still undiscovered by
humans, so we have to learn a lot more about the world around us. One of the most wonderful elements in nature
is water. It gives us energy and possibility to live and function in a healthy way.
First forms of living creatures were born in water, so we can call it home for many reasons. Water is found in
various conditions, starting form ice to snowflakes. It is a key factor in human bodies, because almost 60% of
our weight is consisted of water. Following all astonishing facts about this element, there is one question.
Does water have memory?
This question was a matter of research by many scientists. One of them was Jacques Benveniste, a French
immunologist who published important study in magazine called Nature. The editors mentioned the term "water
memory" after this theory. Benveniste claimed that diluted water could have the similar properties even after
many dilutions.
Minerals Quantum
Energy Ormus
INGREDIENTS: Quantum Energy Water
OM-338-QEW-001 1 ounce
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For example, water molecules have a memory of some antibodies that came in contact with the molecules. They
retain the same characteristics in changed environment where antibodies are not present anymore. Editor of a
Nature journal wanted to really know does water have memory, so he gave instructions to four other independent
When results came, the story was not described as real. Scientists did not found the same conclusion in
controlled environment. Following Benveniste's claims, new title in journal suggested to readers to believe in
Homeopathic science is based on water memory and this was the first official proof of this knowledge. Water
memory truly existed among some scientists and it was proven belief when Benveniste published his results.
After his studies, many people discouraged him and denied his founding, but for homeopathy believers, this was
a science-based discovery that this kind of therapy works. Even after so many years, homeopathy gives results
in many people, but it is still not part of official medicine. In many countries, patients can choose whether
to take cure from standard medicine of from alternative resources.
This gives them the right to take different approaches when searching for proper treatment.
Another important research was also based on the question "does water have memory". This study occupied
Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto who was born in 1943. Water was kind of magical substance for him and that is
why he spent so much time in researching of its properties.
He believed that water structure can be changed by human vibrations that come from emotions. In other words, if
we feel happiness, water recognize it and adapt to that message. When we say something positive, water crystals
change and became perfectly structured.
Emoto noticed these through microscopic photographs and beside the fact that his studies were recognized as
pseudoscience, many books that he published got great attention of many people. Is water intelligent substance
and does water have memory?
Answers to these questions are still undiscovered, but judging from all those positive aspects of this element,
we can say that there is something powerful about the water and our lives certainly depend on